Norwegian cancer society

Front page – Norwegian Cancer Society – Kreftforeningen

Front page – Norwegian Cancer Society

The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is one of the largest organisations in Norway representing the voices of those affected by cancer. We work to prevent and …

Kreftforeningen – Vi er til for alle rammet av kreft

Coop er samarbeidspartner med Kreftforeningen. Logo til DNV. Vi er medlem av Oslo Cancer Cluster, Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, UICC og NCU.

Sammen jobber vi for at færre skal få kreft, at flere skal overleve kreft og for bedre livskvalitet for pasienter og pårørende.

Norwegian Cancer Society – UICC

Norwegian Cancer Society | UICC

5. des. 2022 — The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is a nation-wide, non-profit voluntary organisation. Our activities are funded by donations and …

The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is a nation-wide, non-profit voluntary organisation. Our activities are funded by donations and fundraising, bequests and support from Norsk Tipping (a state owned gaming company). Several hundred thousand donors and members, as well as corporate sponsors, support the Society’s work. This broad support makes us the leading cancer NGO in

The Norwegian Cancer Society – EAT Forum

The Norwegian Cancer Society – EAT

The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is one of the largest civil society organisations in Norway. In 2015, we had 113 000 members, 25 000.

The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is one of the largest civil society organisations in Norway. In 2015, we had 113 000 members, 25 000

Norwegian Cancer Society – SmokeFree Partnership

The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is a voluntary, non-profit civil society organisation which works for cancer prevention and control in Norway and …

Kreftforeningen | LinkedIn

Generalsekretær i Kreftforeningen (CEO at the Norwegian Cancer Society). 3u. Kreftsykepleierne i dette landet er helt fantastiske ❤️ I dag delte vi ut …

The Norwegian Cancer Society | Nyby

About. The Norwegian Cancer Society is one of the largest user- and interest organizations in Norway with over 116 000 members and 27 000 volunteers. The …

People are possibilities — Can we solve major societal challenges through new connections? Together, we build the welfare society of tomorrow.

Norwegian Cancer Society – Nordic Cancer Union

Introduction. The Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) is a nationwide organisation for voluntary efforts against cancer in Norway. The association is non-religious …

Keywords: norwegian cancer society